Avril zoekt een Kamer / Appartement in Utrecht

Avril zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement in Utrecht

  • Kamer / Appartement
  • Min. -12 m2
  • Anders
  • 22 Per direct

My name is Avril Andonie, I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 18 years ago. Since I can remember, my parents have always aspired for me to discover the world, reason for why they introduced to intercultural activities at a young age, such as traveling, international camping such as CISV, learning new languages, and sending me as a exchange student to Italy with AFS program.
As an additional sacrifice, I was involved into the artistic world thanks to them. I have a passion for drawing and dancing.
My dream is to become a fashion designer, to have my own clothing line and company. In order to achieve this, I will study international business in a beautiful place like Holland and obtain all the required basis to fulfill this goal.

Algemene informatie: Avril
  Anders, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars International Business (UNIVERSITEIT)