Niklas is looking for a Room in Utrecht

Niklas is looking for: A Room in Utrecht

  • Room
  • Min. 7 m2
  • Male
  • 23 Immediately

Hello everyone!
Let me introduce myself quickly: My name is Niklas, I am 25 years old and I will start doing my masters in Cellular and Molecular Life Science at Utrecht University starting in September. Therefor I am looking for housing in Utrecht, for the next two years at least, form the 1st of September on. I lived on my own or in shared housing since I am 18 and therefor have plenty of experience with this kind of living situation. Although I am born in Germany my English is very fluent since I lived outside of Germany for nearly 5 years now. In addition to that I will also learn Dutch as well.
My free time I like to spend traveling, fishing or doing any kind of sports. I also like to socialize and I am defiantly down for the occasional night out or games night. I am a very respectful and clean but also a very easy-going flat mate, and I am always concerned about having a good relationship with the people I am living with since I think this is very important.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I would also be very happy to personally introduce myself to you via a skype, teams, etc. since I am currently not in the Netherlands.
Thank you for your time and I home we’ll talk soon.
Best wishes,
Niklas Kupfer

General information: Niklas
  Male, 28 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year Molecular and Cellular Life Science (Graduate School)