Anita is looking for a Studio in Utrecht

Anita is looking for: A Studio in Utrecht

  • Studio
  • Min. 13 m2
  • Female
  • 23 Immediately

I am Anita , I am 20 years old and I am a second year student in Utrecht Univesity.
I studied languages in highschool (chinese, english and german). My passion is theather. I attented drama classes for 7 years and performed on stage many times. I love sports. I did professional skiing and swimming. I am a caring and sensitive person, so I will always listen to others and I am always ready to help if there is a problem. I am also educated with the values of respect for others, cleanliness and politeness.

General information: Anita
  Female, 20 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  5th study year Langueges at the high school (Senior High)